Thursday, April 16, 2009

Learning to take a compliment...again.

Since the beginning of time, or at least my time, I have never had trouble accepting compliments. At least not according to my mom, who used to say I fished for them. Well something has happened along the way. I found myself surprised at the last two book signings when people piled on the kudos.

Why? I don't know. That has never been an issue for me, but as I survey the past few months I see a pattern. Well...timeout for that. I have worked hard, stayed up late, gotten up early, neglected friends and made all around sacrifices to make this book happen. I am so proud to say that today I am learning to take compliments in style.

No this is not where the "big headed-ness" starts, but I do believe in self fulfilling prophecy. If I tear myself down, nobody else has to do it for me. This has been such a wonderful journey and I want my daily life to reflect that too.

1 comment:

Katy said...

She's a special one! One of the best parts of my day is seeing her leave with that HUGE smile on her face! :)

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