Saturday, July 9, 2011

Force of habit!!

I have been up for the past few hours wondering what to do with myself. For the past 8 years, I have instictively popped up early on this day so that I can put all the final touches on my daughter's birthday bash. Well this year, like so many before, I am up but with nothing to do. This year my big girl is only inviting 3 friends to have lunch and then go swimming. Wow! what a change from the past.

We have hosted diva parties, pop star parties, had swimming soirees at every local dive you can think of, including Schitterbahn, but today a quiet house. So since I am up, I have used this quiet time to reflect and thank God for the many blessings we have experienced since having Trinity in our lives. I am so thankful that He has intrusted me with her.

BUT old habits do die hard, so I still made goodie bags filled with flip flops, floaties, candy, snacks, stampers with a gem handle, water tied with ribbon and kool aid packets and twisty straws hang from them. I couldn't help myself. What? she's still my baby. ;-)

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