Monday, July 11, 2011

Is your all on the altar??

The pressure of everything was finally coming to a head, when I chose to just let the chips fall where they may, including myself on the altar, because I couldn't feel the power. Although I had seemingly given up, God had not given up on me. He had something more in mind. He hadn't left me, I had to try harder(diligently) to seek Him.
The moment I chose to give up and walk away, was the very moment I was caught up by one who had more than enough faith for the both of us.
Oh the difference a day makes. Just like that I can see things a little more clearer than the day before. I can hear that inner voice that I am so used too, gently speaking to my spirit. The power of God is real, even when things get so cloudy, we need only to stop and seek Him.
So the storm won the first round(past few months), but the fight ain't over. I am here to go another round and I am shouting I shall live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord!!!

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