Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In Memory of...

Sunday night as I was just starting to relax from previous days, I got a phone call that I didn't best friend (and cousin) lost her dad. I couldn't believe any of what I was hearing, it was surreal.

I packed up again, out of a suitcase that hadn't been unloaded, and on Monday morning I was back on the road to Victoria. A road trip alone gives you so much time to think and reflect on life. Even though the circumstances were grim, the time alone gave me an opportunity to be thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed on my life this year.

As I sat with my cousin, we reminisced on some of the times with her dad, and fought back the tears as we looked at his brand new slippers still next to the Christmas tree. It is a painful time, but she is clearly able to laugh and remember the good times they shared.

Why blog about this? Take this opportunity to find some understanding about what confuses you. Call that friend that you have been too busy to get in touch with. FOLLOW that dream that still seems elusive. Let us all stop waiting until life gives us a blow and we have to "react" instead of having a plan all along. I admit, I am guilty of all of the above, but we have to start somewhere.

If you have 30 seconds today, whisper a little prayer for my friend, then pray that God gives you guidance for your own dreams. Have a blessed day.

We will miss you David.

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