Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

The six year old has been promising all week that she would be up to see the new year roll in, and true to her word she is up and about. She is full of giggles and watching fireworks out of our bedroom window.

I poured some sparkling grape juice that my husband thoughtfully picked up for us, and put it in a fancy glass for her and her dad. She said, No Thank you! I will pass." After I laughed hysterically I explained that it was not wine and then she reluctantly tried it. She loved it of course. Then she said, "I'll have some more, but can you put it in a kid's cup." She was truly in rare form.

I pray that the new year brings prosperity in all areas of your lives... God Bless!


Sisters Lose 100 said...

Happy New Year....and when you decide to try for the boy maybe I will consider:) Just maybe....LOL

Unknown said...

Nope! I'm good with two (for now). The One year old tries to steal everybody's time anyway, so I will keep you posted on the slim(and dwindling)possibilities of a 3rd. Plus there is the fear of another girl or two...too much hair! ;-)

Micah's Baby Brother

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The Family...
Why I Write
