Thursday, January 8, 2009


I received an email today from about some toys that were on sale, so as I get to the website to browse, I blindly typed in my own name. Wait, wait, wait! Let me explain why. I do this at every once in a while to make sure the info about the blog and the book are still in the top few listings. Anyway, for today, I guess this odd-habit has paid off.

Well evidently the Publishers listed the info prior to sharing the word with me, so when I saw the book information listed I almost threw the one year old off my lap. Hold on!Don't call CPS yet, because I quickly came to my senses. She is safe. Then I put her down because the excitement continued.

I am also listed at Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Target's websites. I will keep you posted for the others to come. It is only available for pre-order, but the point is my message is out there. Thank you one and all for your support. Thank you Lord!

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