Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Situation Critical...

How did we come to this? One day we were sitting on the couch hand in hand, or should I say finger to keyboard and the next thing I know, the momentary bliss was gone. I got an ugly message that said files were being dumped and warning messages started flashing before my eyes.

Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! My laptop died and I feel like my right arm is missing. Gosh! When did we become a society that can't function without certain electronics? Better yet, when did I become that person? It's not like we don't have a desktop to take up the slack, but I have gotten so used to curling up in any given location in the house, with the laptop. @%@%^@%@$!#$$$^*!^Q*(%(!$(!%% That's me trying not to scream, I am losing it without lappie. Yes I just made that up.

As one of my husband's fellow techies looked it over, he asked did I drop it, because there is damage to the hard drive. My instant response was of course not. Then later that night I remembered seeing two little feet using it as a step stool to get on the couch one day. I know. I know, why was it on the floor to begin with? That's another story.

Back to electronics...Last week my cell phone, smart-phone by societies standards, lost it's charge. Well I didn't know where it was and I spent a whole day looking for it. Usually if I misplace it I will just call it from the house phone and problem solved. Not this day. After an all day search, I found it was under a piece of paper right on the breezeway table. What happened to the days of the big, clunky car phones with the cord? I would never lose that.

Am I becoming the angry blogger? No I just gotta shake off a few minor mishaps. In the meantime, remember be nice, praise God, and while you are at it ask him to keep my sanity intact and may the cost of repair be affordable. Have a good day.


Sisters Lose 100 said...

LOL:) I am cracking up reading this!! Just imagining this makes me cringe:)

Unknown said...

No denying it,I have issues...I know. :-)

Micah's Baby Brother

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