Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh What a Night !

Is there a rule somewhere that limits the number of times you can officially say, "This was the best night of my life!" Although there have been many many many wonderful moments in my life, this one was good too.

So when we last left off I was on a class field trip in very cold weather with the six year old. The next day I did make it to an appointment to get my hair done for the event. What event? The pre-release party for my children's book, of course. I know, you all saw that coming but I just had to say it again.

So many family members and friends came out to share their well wishes and show their love for me and my accomplishment. I am just so thankful to know so many great people. My cup runneth over (again and again)!

My pastor blessed the book, followed by an 8 year old praise dancer, kind words were expressed by a few friends, and my dad, plus a reading of the book, as well as lots of door prizes. It was wonderful. I will be back with pictures...

1 comment:

Sisters Lose 100 said...

Your event was so lovely...wish I could have made it for the whole sha-bang. The food, the people, you could just feel His presence in the place! Congratulations again...On another note, I am glad to see this potty training thing isn't just a boy thing...maybe it's not time?? I dunno:)

Micah's Baby Brother

The Family...

The Family...
Why I Write
