Monday, November 10, 2008

More about last week...

I also forgot to mention that my friends at UPS stopped by the house about three times last week, well actually three days in a row. First, the shoes that I order from came a day and a half later. A day and a half, plus they have free shipping. You can't beat it! I am impressed.

Then the boxes carrying my new posters, business cards, and post cards for the book came. That is when I felt official. I felt like I had arrived. Where? Wherever it is that real writer's go. I plan to frame and hang one of the posters here in the house, as a reminder that dreams(and goals) are attainable. It's funny when my husband asked, "Where ya gonna hang your poster?" I was secretly glad that he was thinking the same thing, so that way I knew I wasn't just being full of myself. HEE! HEE!

So the posters and the website combined had me on cloud nine all week long. To make it even better, my six year old is very proud of her mommy. That alone is worth all that has happened with this journey. Before I forget to mention it; her last soccer game was Saturday. Before we left home we gave her the normal pep talk. "Have fun! Play hard." Well she took the play hard to the extreme.

My little star scored three goals and hustled pretty much the whole time she played. We had a family friend with us, and she was truly impressed. In fact, the whole team played well. They only lost one game the whole season.

It was a great week.

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