Monday, November 10, 2008

Week in review!

Okay, it is 12:04 a.m. and I am wide awake. How bad it is gonna hurt in the morning when the alarm clock goes off, or when the one year old starts to call my name in that sing-songy voice around 2:45 a.m. like clockwork. If her dad goes in there(he does 2-3 nights a week) she sometimes will lay back down, if I go in there she already has her arms out so she can come to our bed. Sometimes a snuggle and cuddle is cool, that is until a foot sticks you in the rib. For the life of me I can't understand why she has to sleep sideways.

Anyway this past week has been about as blessed as they come. Each day it was something new and wonderful. Barack Obama has become president. No more excuses! Lift him up in prayer every chance you get. My marketing representative surprised me by nonchalantly mentioning(in email form) that she posted my book online at the Publisher's website. Uh hello this is big. Now although I am sure she will say she is just doing her job, I will disagree and say she made my dream manifest right before my eyes. Thanks A.S.

Then the well wishes just started pouring in. I know I was following my dream all along by writing this book, but I didn't realize the fact that everybody doesn't automatically do the same. Now I know I mentioned this several posts ago, but never ever give up on your dream no matter what it is. Encourage yourself when no one else will. Throw out every excuse! Cast out negative influences. Just don't give up.

Take out a tablet in your spare time and start with the sentence "I started dreaming again today..." and see where that takes you.

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