Friday, March 28, 2008

Everything Looks Great

I am on my way! I submitted what is called a complete manuscript today, which is the dedication and acknowledgement pages, the story itself, and the teaser for the back of the book. I received a reply shortly after from the Publisher indicating that "everything looks great."

My pastor often says that the Lord will give you more on your way than he does when you first start out. I love to hear him say that because it is so true. Before I started this journey, I didn't even know how to access a blog. Now I feel like I have so much to say, what's new right? But seriously, I won't include any names, but the email messages that I have received telling me how much they appreciate my blog give me the boost I need to keep doing this.

I still have moments where I have to pinch myself, because I have been dreaming this dream for so long. I will have my very own book at the end of this journey. So my words of encouragement for today are pull out a pen and paper, write down your dream and put a plan into to action. Find someone around you who is doing what you want to do. Don't give up!

Remember even when you can't see what's ahead of you, with God "everything looks great!"

1 comment:

Deronza said...

I am looking forward to purchasing my 'autographed' copy of your book.
Thank you for sharing your journey and encouraging me to pursue my dreams.

Micah's Baby Brother

The Family...

The Family...
Why I Write
