Monday, March 17, 2008

Take Courage!

He has no fear! How many times have we heard people refer to a child that way? For many of us courage and boldness comes naturally. For some of us, it takes a little bit more effort to muster it up. With age, shouldn't it become easier to be brave? It depends who you are.

This weekend I had to approach to people that I admire greatly to inform them that I would like to acknowledge them in my book. One of which is a Bishop and the other is a Pastor. Even though that doesn't seem like it's that hard, I was almost about to change my mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 states, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. This is the scripture I like to quote and confess when I am fearful. In all situations take courage. The worst any one can ever say to you is NO and that doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger.

So back to my original question, shouldn't it be easier to be brave when we are older? Yes, because with age comes wisdom. Remember this, it doesn't matter who you are if you know "whose" you are; a child of God. He has given us power and instructions (the bible) on how to use it.

So take courage and be brave.

1 comment:

Deronza said...

2 Timothy 1:7 is one of my favorite scriptures because engaging others does not come easy for me. I believe we sometimes look at things as a rejection in which I like your perspective of its just 'No' and you will not die. You simply move on but you will never know what might be if you don't be of good courage and knock on the door.

Micah's Baby Brother

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