Wednesday, December 31, 2008
In Memory of...
I packed up again, out of a suitcase that hadn't been unloaded, and on Monday morning I was back on the road to Victoria. A road trip alone gives you so much time to think and reflect on life. Even though the circumstances were grim, the time alone gave me an opportunity to be thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed on my life this year.
As I sat with my cousin, we reminisced on some of the times with her dad, and fought back the tears as we looked at his brand new slippers still next to the Christmas tree. It is a painful time, but she is clearly able to laugh and remember the good times they shared.
Why blog about this? Take this opportunity to find some understanding about what confuses you. Call that friend that you have been too busy to get in touch with. FOLLOW that dream that still seems elusive. Let us all stop waiting until life gives us a blow and we have to "react" instead of having a plan all along. I admit, I am guilty of all of the above, but we have to start somewhere.
If you have 30 seconds today, whisper a little prayer for my friend, then pray that God gives you guidance for your own dreams. Have a blessed day.
We will miss you David.
Merry Christmas
As much as I have been trying to keep the one year old away from the tree and the gifts to no avail, I couldn't get her to open presents this morning when I placed them in front of her. Then I remembered the box she wanted in to the most was the build-a-bear (puppy) that her sister made for her, and that was just the spark she needed to get going. It was a great start to the holidays.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A day with the kids!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
You can always go home...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh What a Night !
So when we last left off I was on a class field trip in very cold weather with the six year old. The next day I did make it to an appointment to get my hair done for the event. What event? The pre-release party for my children's book, of course. I know, you all saw that coming but I just had to say it again.
So many family members and friends came out to share their well wishes and show their love for me and my accomplishment. I am just so thankful to know so many great people. My cup runneth over (again and again)!
My pastor blessed the book, followed by an 8 year old praise dancer, kind words were expressed by a few friends, and my dad, plus a reading of the book, as well as lots of door prizes. It was wonderful. I will be back with pictures...
Friday, November 21, 2008
For my daughter
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Google my name...
Now first and second place are thanks to all you faithful readers of the blog, so give yourselves a pat on the back. But fourth place, yes I said fourth place is thanks to this little writer from Victoria, Texas who had a dream of one day seeing her work in print. Hallelujah. I am so happy, because if you have ever googled anything, you know sometimes it requires some searching.
Although I was proud of myself back in 2002, for running around a cold and windy island to benefit a cause that I can't remember, I am extremely proud of what is happening now. So next time you stop by google, remember Ursula Wade Boudreaux, so that way when the book is officially released, I won't be hard to find. Thanks
I've learned...
I've learned to savor the moment...Last night as I sat on a pillow, (some parents were on blankets), on the hard school cafeteria floor, I was nearly overcome with emotion. Thank goodness the one year old was crawling all over me and pulling things out of her backpack, so I was distracted from the burning feeling in the back of my throat.
Anyway the six year old was in the first grade performance that sang the praises of our great nation. As her class did a spectacular rendition of God Bless the USA, I became so emotional watching her wave her little red, white and blue streamers and singing her heart out. I was proud of her, and proud of our country, it was just so overwhelming. I would not trade that moment for anything.
Everybody is so busy with the distractions of life, which causes us to take people and things for granted. So just for today, challenge yourself to appreciate something or someone...the feeling you get out of it is priceless.
Monday, November 10, 2008
More about last week...
Then the boxes carrying my new posters, business cards, and post cards for the book came. That is when I felt official. I felt like I had arrived. Where? Wherever it is that real writer's go. I plan to frame and hang one of the posters here in the house, as a reminder that dreams(and goals) are attainable. It's funny when my husband asked, "Where ya gonna hang your poster?" I was secretly glad that he was thinking the same thing, so that way I knew I wasn't just being full of myself. HEE! HEE!
Week in review!
Anyway this past week has been about as blessed as they come. Each day it was something new and wonderful. Barack Obama has become president. No more excuses! Lift him up in prayer every chance you get. My marketing representative surprised me by nonchalantly mentioning(in email form) that she posted my book online at the Publisher's website. Uh hello this is big. Now although I am sure she will say she is just doing her job, I will disagree and say she made my dream manifest right before my eyes. Thanks A.S.
Then the well wishes just started pouring in. I know I was following my dream all along by writing this book, but I didn't realize the fact that everybody doesn't automatically do the same. Now I know I mentioned this several posts ago, but never ever give up on your dream no matter what it is. Encourage yourself when no one else will. Throw out every excuse! Cast out negative influences. Just don't give up.
Take out a tablet in your spare time and start with the sentence "I started dreaming again today..." and see where that takes you.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I have narrowed down a date, a short program, and perks for the attendees, I just have to pinpoint the location, which I hope to have completed by tomorrow evening. Wow! This is all a lot to take in. In the past few days I have ordered copies of the book, posters, book marks, and business cards. I actually have my own marketing representative, makes me feel special. I am also trying to prep Chef Boudreaux, so for those of you who haven't had his food yet, you will be in for a treat.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Then, the party got started. I turned up the volume on my praise and worship CD that I made, yes I burned it on my laptop(WRONG!!!), forgive me. But the point is, after my appointment was done, I went to the post office to mail THE FINAL PROOF OF THE MANUSCRIPT. I AM GOING TO PRINT!!!! I sang, I praised, (carefully) lifting my hands while I was driving, I was in the zone.
Whenever I speak of singing and praising, my sister-in-law, who shall remain nameless, finds this a little humorous, because I don't sing well and tend to be a little reserved with my public praise. She has a way of asking, "Were you praising, Urs?" It's actually her way of teasing because she has witnessed my transformation. I usually sing in the car, in the shower, to the 19 month old, etc. However, lately I haven't cared who hears me, because when you reach a certain point and the blessings start to flow, it doesn't matter who is listening or how it sounds. It's genuine.
Yes I know that trials may still arise, but it is how you deal with them that counts. And just like the song says "an incredible God deserves incredible praise.
Phillipians 4:12 (amplified bible)
12I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.
13I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who [g]infuses inner strength into me; I am [h]self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cover it up
I have actually done a pretty good job of being patient. I know some of you had to pick up your mouths off the ground for that one, but I have. (I am learning).
Well just a few more months until completion. Don't worry I will keep every one informed as to when the launch party and book signing will be.
Micah's Baby Brother
Monday, September 8, 2008
I like your smile...

If my dad is right, then I should never have any problems getting my picture taken. Right? Wrong! I went to a wonderful studio, Bella Amadis, to get some head shots taken for my book. The photographer was awesome, very patient, very personable, I could go on all day. Well she asked me for one thing that I could not deliver... a serious smile.
I could smirk, I could giggle, I could beam brightly, but I just could not simply smile. I am so Godly proud of this accomplishment that I am ready to shout it from the roof tops. The first few months of this process were extremely slow, but everything is on the move now. Thank you, Lord.
So the photographer, just continued to work with me. She was kind and made what had the potential to turn into a very tense and uncomfortable situation, turn out to be a nice photo shoot. Ultimately we both agreed that the good ole "say cheese" is one of my best assets.
So next time in doubt, just S M I L E!
(Thank you for such a fun day, B.F.M.)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What A Blessing!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Picture This
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Next Phase
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I Survived the Red Pen
Remember your first college paper, where it seems like it would have been easier if your professor would have written it herself. I promise, mine had so many red marks on it, that I couldn't see my words any more.
Moving forward, I can proudly say that I have improved . With each new phase, I still marvel at the fact that my dream is coming to pass. I know I have said this in the past, but thank you to everyone who continues to follow this process, and for those who continually send their blessings and well wishes.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
A foreword is an introductory statement in a published work, made by someone other than the author. Just think if we had someone to put in a good word for us or to endorse our character everyday of our lives.
Perhaps you fall short of completing a task or you mispoke about a particular situation, imagine someone being there to straighten it out and fix it for you. I know most people consider themselves perfect, but I have accidently, mistakenly, and unknowingly said or done things without thinking. However there was no magician to wave his magic wand or a mediator on hand to explain.
I thank God for His compassion and forgiveness, which a lot of people have shown me as well.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Your Latter Will Be Greater...
While I knew that the book wouldn't be published overnight, I was hoping the process would happen rather swiftly. However, I am glad I received the heads up, because I know I probably would start to get antsy during this lag time.
One of my favorite songs by Martha Munizzi is Your Latter Will Be Greater(than your past) based on a scripture in Job 8:7 (7And though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase). No matter what you have been through or no matter what you are going to go through, it's all okay because "the best is yet to come."
So even though part of me wants to be anxious, I am able to control my thoughts and enjoy this exciting time, because that is truly what it is. So my goal for the next few weeks leading up to the start of production is to make sure I enjoy the process leading up to the blessing, and don't get so caught up with what the end result is going to be. I already know my latter will be greater than the rest.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Writer's Block
Don't let the big smile fool you, although it is sweet, she makes her presence known. I was putting the finishing touches on the sequel to Micah, so I was in deep concentration. Any writer will tell you that once you are in the zone you simply need to "write it out."
As I tried my best to incorporate playtime, with mommy-time, it just wasn't working. She began trying to squeeze in between me and the laptop, which just wasn't happening. I tried to redirect her attention to items in the room that usually captivate her, but she absolutely refused. She wanted Mommy and that's all there was to it.
After realizing it was too frustrating to write and fight off a tenacious one year old, I decided to finally give in when King Daddy saved the day. As the two of them disappeared down the winding staircase, not really it just has one turn, I was free to write my heart out. But wouldn't you know it, I had writer's block.
It didn't last long, I was able to regroup and finish the story. Sometimes life will yield interuptions, but don't sweat it, because it's just an opportunity to slow down and take in the good stuff. If I had put down the computer and held her, I would have seen just what my husband did. She was sleepy, and drifted right off within moments of them walking away.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Everything Looks Great
My pastor often says that the Lord will give you more on your way than he does when you first start out. I love to hear him say that because it is so true. Before I started this journey, I didn't even know how to access a blog. Now I feel like I have so much to say, what's new right? But seriously, I won't include any names, but the email messages that I have received telling me how much they appreciate my blog give me the boost I need to keep doing this.
I still have moments where I have to pinch myself, because I have been dreaming this dream for so long. I will have my very own book at the end of this journey. So my words of encouragement for today are pull out a pen and paper, write down your dream and put a plan into to action. Find someone around you who is doing what you want to do. Don't give up!
Remember even when you can't see what's ahead of you, with God "everything looks great!"
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Now I have to go against all that I was taught and do a little teasing of mine own. So hold on to your seats for the lashing of your life. Oops! what's that? Have I taken this out of context? Okay let me start again.
I have to write a teaser for the back page of my book. It is a couple of paragraphs about the story and about myself to capture the readers attention to make them want to read the book. How many times have you gone to a book store and read this so-called teaser and left the book right where it was. Too many to count right?
I have to be different enough to catch your eye, however I have to follow a certain format, so that ought to be an interesting task. I mean, anyone can toot their own horn and talk about themselves, but I have talk about myself as a serious writer.
Just like anything, this too can be done. So when you buy your copy of the book, remember to let me know how I did.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Take Courage!
This weekend I had to approach to people that I admire greatly to inform them that I would like to acknowledge them in my book. One of which is a Bishop and the other is a Pastor. Even though that doesn't seem like it's that hard, I was almost about to change my mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 states, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. This is the scripture I like to quote and confess when I am fearful. In all situations take courage. The worst any one can ever say to you is NO and that doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger.
So back to my original question, shouldn't it be easier to be brave when we are older? Yes, because with age comes wisdom. Remember this, it doesn't matter who you are if you know "whose" you are; a child of God. He has given us power and instructions (the bible) on how to use it.
So take courage and be brave.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What about all the Sunday school teachers who taught me lessons of faith? What about the high school English teacher that made writing so fun? What about all the children at the daycare who yelled, "Again! Again!" after I read the dramatic version of the storybooks they loved so.
As we go through life, so many people touch our hearts, without ever knowing the impact they leave on us. Of course, the obvious thanks goes to my family, whom I am eternally grateful for and often let them know it. Then there are close friends that I will send email or cards too. But what about the people who greet us with a kind word when we are having a bad day? What about the people who helped us go that extra mile, when it was just to hard to make it on our own?
I thank you one and all, no matter what part you have played in my life. I wish I could include everyone of you name by name in this book, but I can't. If you were the kid who shared your snack in elementary school, the bully in junior high, or best buddy in high school this book is for you. If you are to pastor who brings me the word of God each week, or the friend who knows all of my secrets(which you should keep), then this book is also for you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Monday, March 3, 2008
Love for UPS???
Anyway it was at least 11:00 when I went to their website to schedule pick up, I figured I would take my chances and put in for same day pick up. Realizing it was risky, I indicated that the package would be available for pick up as late as possible. (Hey, I was just hoping to be squeezed in for today's pick up).
As I was heading out to Walmart I heard the roar of Old Brown, my new nick name for the service, since they are the Publisher's preferred method of handling correspondence, I figure I will be dealing with them a lot more often. Plus I shop online a lot so they probably know me anyway. SHHH!
My point is, that it was only 1:35. Forget all of the times I had evil thoughts because I wanted them to deliver my Christmas packages while my daughter was at school, or that the laptop that helped to make this dream a reality was stuck in some gosh forsaken warehouse until after the holiday. I only got to open one present from my husband on Christmas.
Does this mean that my love/hate relationship with UPS has turned into more of a loving one?
I hope so...Stay tuned and we will soon see.
I Gave Praise...
Still hungry for Smokey Mo's barbecue, that I had just put on my plate, I bid her adieu and looked at the envelope. Could it be that only after 3 weeks, the Christian publisher I was interested in was also interested in me? Ripping the envelope open yielded the words I longed to see, "We are so thrilled to have the opportunity to issue you a formal offer for your children's book." I yelled, I screamed, I ran up the stairs to find Trent, my husband.
Slightly uneasy and prepared to run down stairs to find the source of the primal scream he looked at me as if to say what. As he read over the cover letter for the contract for what seemed like hours, I paced, and cried, and I gave praise to God. He does give us the desires of our hearts.
I ask that you follow me on this journey, through the process of publication for my first faith based children's book, "Micah's Baby Brother."
The Family...
Why I Write